Company Description
VICAM is dedicated to developing USDA and AOAC-approved rapid diagnostic tests and laboratory sample prep for the detection of aflatoxins, fumonisin, vomitoxin (DON), ochratoxin A, zearalenone, T-2/HT-2 and glyphosate in grains, peanuts, tree nuts and many more food and ag products.   Myco 5-in-1 PLUS strip tests deliver numeric results for one or a combination of up to 6 mycotoxins with a single, water-based extraction.  We also serve laboratories with immunoaffinity columns coupled with a fluorometer, LC or LC/MS/MS for regulatory compliance, quality management and control.  Our dedicated, global network of scientific, sales, customer service and consultants enable real world operations to prevent contaminated raw materials from entering processing stream, and ensure that only the highest quality finished products are released to market.

Ask us how small changes can improve the speed, simplicity and sustainability of your mycotoxin testing program.  Contact Carlton Skipper today: 508.498-0960, or visit us at



Farm Equipment

  • Grain Testing Equipment